Victoria's Densification Push Is Unfair - Michael Bloomfield - Island Voices - Times Colonist

"Victoria’s aggressive densification plan is unnecessary and unfair, causing people to ask: “Is accelerated densification being pursued for the right reasons, in appropriate locations, following an honest public process that puts people who live here first?”

"In Fairfield-Gonzales alone, at least 10 groups have arisen from these concerns, people willing to consider sensible proposals, but fed up with what they have experienced as an unfair process. This phenomenon is happening across the city."

"Unfairness has occurred in numerous ways:

• A questionnaire asks leading and misleading questions.

• Meetings are poorly publicized and held at inconvenient times, such as during summer.

• Anyone from anywhere is allowed to participate, diluting input from people living here.

• City consultations have been far more sales job than sincere collaboration.

• Developers are involved in what should be public decision-making.

• Community associations and land-use committees are used to promote approval."

Read the full article here.

Rental Housing Task Force - Upcoming Public Session In Victoria - June 26, 2018

Date: Tuesday June 26
Location: Ambrosia Centre
638 Fisgard Street

"The purpose of the Rental Housing Task Force is to lead a review to modernize and balance provincial tenancy laws and policies to provide safe, secure and affordable rental housing.  The focus will be on both renters and rental housing providers. The public will have the opportunity to provide feedback on a range of issues of importance to them.

The Rental Housing Task Force will tour the province in June 2018, stopping in 10 communities to engage British Columbians."

You can register for the Victoria session online at:

A poster and an online discussion forum are available at: