CITY OF VICTORIA - Links, etc.

City of Victoria Contact Info:

Phone: 250-385-5711


My City Online


Access your City accounts online, 24 hours a day using My City. 

Create a profile, register your accounts and access your information.

  • Pay utility bills and review billing history

  • Review and renew business licences online, and sign up for ebilling

  • Review property tax accounts and sign up for ebilling

It's easy, secure, accessible 24 hours a day.

Log in or register for My City Online

Social Media


Information about programs and initiatives of the City, photos of our community and items of interest from around the Region.

VEMA - Victoria Emergency Management Agency

VEMA educates City staff and community volunteers on how to respond to an emergency and how to be prepared for a major disaster.


Updated regularly with information about programs and events, job postings, and other noteworthy news.


Images from around our beautiful city. 


A great way to connect with the City of Victoria, share ideas and discover opportunities.


A great place to view tutorials for VicMap, watch stormwater educational videos, learn more about Council webcasting and more.

Connect With the City


"The City is committed to sharing information in an open and transparent manner. We strive to provide timely and effective two-way communications to support the delivery of high quality services and programs, and provide easy and meaningful opportunities for citizens to understand, participate and access City services and information."

Have Your Say

Get involved in current or upcoming initiatives on which the City is seeking feedback.

Citizen Engagement Framework & Roadmap

"At the City of Victoria, the decisions we make impact the daily lives of people in our community.  Public participation creates opportunities for individuals with diverse perspectives to come together and share their ideas with staff and elected officials.  It's also an opportunity to listen and learn from others and to assist decision-makers as they explore ways to improve plans, programs and services."


Sign up for one or more of the City of Victoria’s Newsletters.

The City Of Victoria - Annual Report

Council & Committee Meetings

Council & Committee Meetings

Mayor and Council meet regularly, both as Council and Committee of the Whole.  Unless otherwise noted, all meetings are open to the public and held in Council Chambers, City Hall, 1 Centennial Square.

To view a webcast in progress along with the related agenda, click to view the HTML version of the agenda.

Under “Past Meetings” to see agendas, minutes and archived webcasts, click on “View”.

City Grants

City Grants

The City of Victoria has six grant programs.  The programs provide financial support to community organizations to advance important programs and services to residents.