Green New Year's Resolutions - Environmental Services - Capital Regional District - January 2021

Green New Year’s Resolutions

8 New Year’s resolution ideas to make 2021 a green one

Big changes are made up of little actions and achieving our regional targets around reducing waste, water and energy use are only possible if everybody does their part. Whether your resolution is to eat better, get more exercise, declutter, learn something new or save money – there are simple ways to accomplish these goals while also reducing our impact on the environment.

Here are 8 simple ways to meet your goals and reduce your environmental impact in 2021:

  1. Rediscover the value of food: Save money and reduce food waste by making a meal plan, shopping in your fridge and pantry first (to avoid buying doubles) and buying only what you know you’ll use. Bonus tip: meal planning can also help reduce those impulse purchases!

  2. Go paperless: Forgo the printed copy of your recycling schedule this year without missing collection day by signing up for recycling reminders or downloading the free RecycleCRD app.

  3. Return to depot: Help keep your house clutter-free by recycling your plastic bags, styrofoam blocks and other flexible plastic packaging (eg. chip bags and crinkly wrappers) for free at any Recycle BC depot.

  4. Switch to LED bulbs: Improve your home’s energy efficiency by making the switch to LED bulbs. Not only do LEDs use roughly 75% less energy than a regular incandescent bulb, they also last much longer. Once you’ve made the switch, don’t forget to recycle the old bulbs!

  5. Strive for five minute showers: Showers are one of the biggest areas of indoor residential water use. Reducing your shower time not only helps conserve our region’s water supply, it’ll also save you money.

  6. Clean green: Many household cleaners are hard on the environment and when they go down the drain they can end up in the ocean or in groundwater. This year, why not learn to make your own cleaning products? Find recipes for environmentally-safe and inexpensive alternatives in the Clean Green Cookbook.

  7. Plant native species: If gardening is on your 2021 to-do list try choosing native species. Gardening with native plants means less watering and maintenance while also helping to support local biodiversity and healthy ecosystems.

  8. Choose active transportation: On-road transportation is our region’s greatest source of greenhouse gas emissions. Making the choice to walk or wheel to your destination is beneficial for your physical and mental health, as well as the environment.

Making a difference is just that easy — pick a resolution or two and let’s get started!

For more green resolution ideas visit 

Create Memories, Not Waste - Capital Regional District - December 2020

From gift giving to meal planning, here's how to make the 3Rs work during the holidays!

The holiday season brings a lot of joy into our homes but it can also bring a lot of extra waste. Packaging and wrapping paper, leftover food, plastic toys that often aren't loved for as long as they last ... it all adds to the local waste stream. The good news is that it doesn't have to. Following the principles of the ‘3R pollution prevention hierarchy'—reduce first, reuse second and recycle third—can help to reduce the environmental impact of the holiday season.

Here's ten simple ways to create a holiday that's memorable in all the right ways!

  1. Opt for low-waste gifts: Gift experiences—memberships, subscription services, a gift card to a local restaurant; homemade gifts like preserves and cookies; or gifts made to last like heirlooms, camping gear or quality cookware.

  2. Recycle shipping materials: Shopping online? Most shipping materials can be recycled—paper envelopes in your blue bag, rigid plastic packaging in your blue box and cardboard can be flattened and cut down (max. 30” square).

  3. Recycle bubble wrap, plastic envelopes, inflated air packets and Styrofoam blocks for free at a Recycle BC depot.

  4. Go gift wrap-less this year: There are many ways to hide what’s inside without the traditional giftwrap/tape/bow combo. Use materials you already have around the house—things like newspaper, paper bags, old calendar pages or reuse old gift wrap/gift bags. Wrapping a kitchen or food-themed gift? Use a pretty tea towel!

  5. DIY your holiday décor: You'll find many decorations right in your own backyard: pinecones, cedar boughs and sprigs of holly look beautiful in a wreath, centrepiece or garland. The added bonus? They smell amazing, too!

  6. Green up your holiday dinner: Keep your holiday dinner green by using reusable or recyclable items. Swap out disposable linens, dishes and cutlery for the real deal.

  7. Right-size your dinner plans: Having a smaller gathering this year? Reduce food waste by planning portions appropriately and preparing only what you and your guests will eat. Consider buying a smaller bird or forgoing those less popular dishes; save leftovers in reusable containers or deliver them to a friend.

  8. Be waterwise: Thaw your turkey in the fridge instead of using running water or reuse the water from cooking vegetables in soups gravies, sauces or for watering the plants.

  9. Keep your sink fat-free: Holiday cooking means more fats, oils and greases—save and store fats for use in future recipes or dispose of them in your green bin. Whichever you decide, be sure they don’t end up down the drain where they don’t belong.

  10. Recycle your containers: After dinner, recycle your aluminum trays, whipped cream cans, egg nog cartons and deli trays in your blue box, and place paper plates and food scraps in your green bin.

It's that easy! Learn more at

City of Victoria Participatory Budgeting initiative - Cast Your Vote By November 6, 2020



Don’t Miss Out on Your Chance to Weigh in on How $50,000 Should be Invested to Support Community Projects Benefiting Newcomers!


We’re in the home stretch of this year’s Participatory Budgeting initiative and we’d really appreciate your help getting the word out in our final week of voting. Please help us spread the word by sharing the information below with your networks. We have provided some draft social posts, but feel free to customize to your audiences as you see fit. You can also share the posts being published to the City of Victoria social media accounts.



Cast your vote by November 6 to help decide which community projects benefiting newcomers should be funded in this year’s City of Victoria Participatory Budgeting initiative. From Food Security to Financial Literacy – there’s a whole range of incredible projects for you to choose from! Vote now for projects YOU believe would best benefit new immigrants and refugees to Victoria.

✅ To vote and view all 26 projects, go to



Cast your vote by Nov 6 to help decide which community projects benefiting newcomers should be funded in this year’s @CityOfVictoria Participatory Budgeting initiative. ✅ Vote now at: #pbvic


PB Voting video:

Thank you,

Engagement. City of Victoria

1 Centennial Square, Victoria BC  V8W 1P6



City of Victoria