Summary of Candidates & Issues - Victoria Municipal Election - October 20, 2018

On election day Victoria residents will be voting for:

1 Mayor

8 City Councillors

9 School Trustees

There is a dearth of comprehensive and accessible information re candidates and issues.

“Here's a (pretty) objective summary of the candidates and issues.”


“This website was haphazardly created by unaffiliated Victoria resident, Danielle Leduc McQueen. 

‘All information was compiled and collected in my spare time from candidate websites, newspaper articles, and LinkedIn profiles. I’ve tried to reference sources where relevant and keep a neutral stance, but this website was necessarily informed by my perspectives - I’m a millennial renter and new mom. I’m also a believer in the importance of democracy, and think government should be informed, policy-driven, and inclusive. 

I created this site to hopefully encourage more people (especially young people) to get interested in municipal politics, get informed, and get voting.

I hope to continue to edit and update candidate summaries as the election approaches and more information becomes available.’”