Active Transportation Updates & New Opportunities For Input - February 2021 - Engagement - City Of Victoria

Learn more about our mobility priorities and transportation programs on our Streets & Transportation Website.

2021 Crosswalk Upgrades 

The 2021 crosswalk program will include approximately 10 crosswalk upgrades, including the addition of pedestrian activated lights at crosswalks on Begbie, Shelbourne, and Bay. All new or upgraded crosswalks as part of the program receive enhanced sign, paint, lights (where applicable), and tactile warning strips to enhance visibility and improve accessibility.

2021 Traffic Calming Program 

The traffic calming program is continuing to focus on safety and speed reduction on local streets surrounding schools and parks across the City. Resident requests for traffic calming improvements on neighbourhood streets will continue to be reviewed through data collection, and priority spots will receive trial interventions throughout the year. Speed management measures will also be trialed on collector streets city-wide with documented speeding issues. 

2021 Transit Shelter Upgrades 

 The City has identified several sites for transit shelter replacements and associated accessibility improvements. We will be working with our partners at BC Transit to prioritize up to 5 locations this year for new shelters. Our Public Works crews are currently installing additional benches at transit stops across the municipality to increase space for physical distancing and provide rest areas on popular corridors. 

2021 AAA Cycling Network  

  The City is building a 32km network of safe, connected and convenient cycling corridors for people of all ages and abilities. The goal is to encourage more trips by bike more often and reduce the City’s transportation-related carbon emissions while supporting recreation, place-making and urban street renewal. 

Current Consultation: James Bay 

Route planning in the James Bay neighbourhood is now underway. The City is seeking input from residents, businesses, and commuters on options for priority AAA investments in James Bay. Two north-south routes are planned: Government Street and Montreal Street. Two east-west route options, Superior and Michigan Street, are being considered - one of which will be pursued as part of priority investments by the end of 2022. 

Visit the cycling network page of the City’s engagement portal  to provide feedback on designs and weigh in on a preferred east-west route. There you will find a virtual corridor tour video, a survey, mapping tool, and links to additional resources.  Consultation closes on March 28, 2021. 

Current Construction: Vancouver-Graham-Jackson  

 Construction is well underway with efforts focused largely on North Park and Fairfield neighbourhoods. When complete this spring, this project will form the longest AAA connection through the municipality, extending 4.6km from the Saanich border to the Dallas Road multi-use waterfront pathway.  

Improvements include road paving, sidewalk upgrades, new pedestrian crossings, intersection upgrades, underground infrastructure renewal, accessibility enhancements, new street trees, landscaping, and placemaking features.  

The City continues to send construction updates every 2-3 weeks with detailed information about activities. If you would like to receive these updates, please reply to this email and ask to be added to the ‘2020 cycling network construction updates’ list.  

Upcoming Projects: Richardson Street, Kings-Haultain corridor, Kimta Road/E&N Trail Extension, and Government Street North 

Concept designs were approved by Council in July 2020. City staff are currently finalizing drawings and technical details. These projects are expected to be tendered this spring with start of construction planned for summer 2021 - assuming a successful procurement process. Some work is being done on these routes in advance of the projects, including: 

  • Traffic signal at Kings and Blanshard Street (complete, photo enclosed)

  • Road paving and paint markings on Blackwood Street (complete, photo enclosed)

  • Traffic signal at Princess and Cook Street (to open in February 2021)

  • Road paving and stormwater improvements on Richardson Street (starting in February 2021)

New pedestrian and bicycle crossing at Kings and Blanshard Street

New pedestrian and bicycle crossing at Kings and Blanshard Street

Improved accessibility and safety for pedestrians and cyclists at Blackwood and Kings Street

Improved accessibility and safety for pedestrians and cyclists at Blackwood and Kings Street