Invitation To Participate In A UBC Research Survey Regarding Illegal Dumping In Greater Victoria

Hello Neighbourhood Associations of Greater Victoria

I am with the UBC Sauder School of Business, and my research team is conducting a short survey to learn about illegal dumping in Victoria neighbourhoods.  Illegal dumping of household items no longer utilized or wanted such as furniture, mattresses and electronics is harmful to the natural environment, creates an eyesore in public places such as parks and boulevards and places a significant burden on municipalities and by extension, taxpayers. Many of these items also contain valuable materials that can be recycled or reused if disposed of correctly. 

To help us better understand the context, problem, and strategies that have been successful & unsuccessful around the reduction of illegal dumping, we are asking neighbourhood associations to take part in this survey. Please feel free to pass this survey along to as many people in your association network as you like, we are hoping to collect as much information as possible. 

Survey Link:

This survey is being conducted in accordance with UBC policies and should take less than 10 minutes to complete. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me. 

Thank you in advance for taking the time, we really appreciate it.


Marika Smith MSc