1921, 1929, 1931, 1933, 1935 Ashgrove and 1900, 1908, 1912 Richmond Road Expansion of Amica Seniors Residence - Phase 2 Proposal

A community meeting via zoom regarding the above proposal will be held on July 19, 2022 at 7 pm regarding the phase 2 proposal of the building currently under construction at 1900 Richmond Road. A 6-storey, 88-unit development along with demolition of 4 existing homes is proposed. This meeting is an opportunity to hear from the developer regarding the proposed plans and for us to provide feedback to the developer as residents of North and South Jubilee.

Current plans and a project summary can be found on the City's Development Tracker app (https://www.victoria.ca/EN/main/residents/planning-development/development-tracker.html) where you may also submit comments that will be shared with the applicant, City Council and staff, and the NJ CALUC.

Please find the zoom link to this meeting on July 19th at 7 pm below:

NJNA is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: NJNA: AMICA Senior / Ashgrove / Richmond / Milliken
Time: Jul 19, 2022 07:00 PM Vancouver

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 858 9212 0227
Passcode: 179940

November 22 Saanich Council Vote To Protect The Kings Nature Space - 3 Minute Action Required & Important Fundraising Update

Petition Update - November 11, 2021

On November 22nd, Saanich Council will vote to determine the ultimate fate of the King’s Community Nature Space. 

Please call or email Saanich Council before November 22nd --> Ask that $1.75M CRD sourced funds be applied to finally Save Kings Community Nature Space. 











For nearly 70 years, the citizens of Saanich, Oak Bay, and Victoria, have enjoyed walking, playing, biking, bird watching, and resting in Kings Community Nature Space - a 5-acre escape at the center of South Saanich’s rapidly densifying metropolitan area. Treasured by the community, the property has become a symbol of health, well-being and urban wildlife protection in Greater Victoria. As such, citizens have been fighting to protect Kings Nature Space as pressures to sell and develop continue to intensify. 

The Shelbourne Valley has a significant greenspace deficit. As the last remaining natural space in the area for shared community use providing climate change mitigation and adaptation, urban wildlife habitat, ecosystem services and human physical and mental health, Kings Community Nature Space must be protected for the well-being of current and future generations. 

In addition to providing vital access to nature, the property has significant ecological value, serving as urban refuge for wildlife and essential staging habitat for migratory birds. It also provides numerous ecosystem services and has important regional climate mitigation and adaptation benefits, flood abatement , as well as enhanced reduction of noise pollution for this rapidly densifying local area.

Despite years of fundraising and lobbying efforts by the community and promises made by Saanich council, $1.75M of CRD funds are still in limbo.

In 2018, the Saanich Council encouraged citizens advocating for the protection of the Kings Nature Space to submit an official request for funding through the CRD Land Acquisition Fund. Since that time, the group has educated and petitioned the CRD for its support. Although the CRD recognized the value and importance of the Kings Community Nature Space to human health, ecological services and urban wildlife, in 2020 it determined that the mandate of the Land Acquisition Fund did not include protecting urban nature spaces (and instead only large areas of rural nature space). Thus, an alternative arrangement was reached whereby the CRD transferred funds to Saanich in exchange for a parcel of land, with the intent that Saanich could then direct the $1.75M to the protection of the Kings Community Nature Space.

Several members of Council requested that the community first seek funding support from Oak Bay and Victoria before the CRD funds were applied. Honouring these wishes, Saanich Mayor Fred Haynes, supported by the community, successfully obtained funding commitments from both Victoria ($250k) and Oak Bay ($75k) in July, 2021. Still some council members have voiced their opposition to applying the CRD funds.  Without an affirmative vote by council to apply the CRD’s $1.75M on November 22nd, 2021, Kings community Nature Space will be subject to sale and development.    

Community Fundraising to Date (2018-2021) 

From public engagement events and marketing to grassroots advocacy, the Kings Space Community has gone to great lengths to demonstrate its desire to forever protect the Nature Space. In addition to organizing and promoting the project, community members have exhausted immeasurable time and energy striving to raise the funds demanded by the Saanich Council to officially conserve the property in perpetuity. 

With minimal professional experience or education in fundraising, grant writing, or political advocacy, citizens involved with the project have collaborated with the Mayor’s Standing Committee, attended numerous council meetings, and exhaustively delivered presentations to municipal leaders across Greater Victoria. The group created a Sponsorship Brochure and Letter, along with multiple canvasing documents and campaign materials.

In addition to these formal meetings, the Community has conducted extensive grant research, organized and attended Fundraising Committee meetings and local focus groups, created a GoFundMe page, corresponded with donors, and approached more than 150 businesses with sponsorship requests. As a result of their efforts, the Community has raised $40K from private sources, in addition to the funds raised from the City of Victoria (250k) and Oak Bay (75k), for a grand total of 365K.

However, due to the nature of the current ownership structure (Saanich currently owns the land and has asked the community to fundraise to pay for its purchase) the land is ineligible for land acquisition grants. Despite the community’s best efforts to secure government and/or foundation funding, private donations and other opportunities, a $635,000 deficit will remain - if and after the 1.75M is allocated.

Financial Summary

Once allocated, the total amount fundraised to date will be $2,115,000.  

Remaining funds necessary =  $635,000 (per Saanich’s request to the community to fundraise for the purpose of protecting the park). 

Private donations: 40K

Victoria: 250K

Oak Bay: 75K

CRD: 1.75M

Requiring community members to raise $2.75M in order to save a space so essential to the citizens health and well-being is unreasonable and unprecedented..   

Hoping to establish a fundraising partnership in 2018, the Kings Road Community approached the Habitat Acquisition Trust (HAT), an established NGO with years of organizational experience in fundraising for the purpose of acquiring lands for conservation uses. Despite their expertise, HAT did not then, nor do they today have the capacity to take on such a fundraising project of this size:

“​​It is HAT’s considered opinion that asking the community to raise funds of this magnitude to guarantee the permanent success of this project is not a realistic expectation. 

“In our view, it is unrealistic to expect volunteer community members to have the organizational expertise, monetary capacity, and time to devote to raising nearly $3 million for this cause.” — Katie Blake, Executive Director, Habitat Acquisition Trust

Tasking citizens with funding municipal greenspace that is so critical to human and ecological health and well-being was far-fetched from the beginning. Despite the seemingly insurmountable challenge, the community has repeatedly organized and rallied in an attempt to achieve this fundraising goal. Raising $2.75M has become an increasingly unrealistic challenge given the onset of a global pandemic, realities of ineligibility for grant funding, inability to collect DCC (Development Cost Charge) contributions, and other compounding barriers. In addition to these complications, the property and its protection have become a political labyrinth that the community never expected to navigate.

HAT continues to voice their support for full protection of the Kings Road Nature Space and has suggested that Saanich significantly reduce the community’s fundraising burden.

Enough is enough. It’s time that Saanich Councillors do what they committed to do - protect the Kings Community Nature space once and for all.

 “You know, people have literally been advocating to save this piece of property since before I was born, and people are still showing up to the CRD building, showing up at our council chambers, advocating for this piece of property to be protected. So, now, finally we have the opportunity to do that.” Councillor Ned Taylor

In 2018, 8 of 9 Saanich Councillors committed to protecting the Kings Community Nature Space (quotes taken directly from this Lead Now petition signature page):

“My pledge to secure the full acquisition and preservation of this essential green space is stated in the public record in writing (my platform) and in video as a public record, and I have been working closely with this group since the spring and will continue to work with them to ensure this natural space community asset is here for current and future generations.” — Mayor Fred Haynes

"Recognizing that a) green space will be increasingly important to maintain the high quality of life in this region due to densification and population growth and b) this area of Saanich is under-served by green space relative to Saanich’s policy objectives and c) this space has a host of ecological, recreational and community-building potential, I support the acquisition of the BC Hydro GreenSpace on Kings Road and it’s preservation as a municipal park." Councillor Rebecca Mersereau

“I support Saanich acquiring the Hydro green space and preserving it as a Park.”  Councillor Susan Brice

“Yes I support acquiring the Hydro Greenspace.” Councillor Karen Harper

“I fully support the acquisition of the lands informally known as Kings Park and to preserve it all as a Saanich Park.” Councillor Colin Plant 

“I completely support your efforts. Thank you for the hard work you're doing!” Councillor Ned Taylor

“I, Nathalie Chambers 100%  the acquisition, and protection in perpetuity of Kings Road\Bowker Creek watershed park.”  Councillor Nathalie Chambers

“We need to protect the greenspace, parks and farms that we have, and actively seek to expand these spaces; I will ensure Kings Park is acquired by Saanich and protected as a park!— Councillor Zac de Vries


In 2021, amidst a climate crisis, unprecedented and rapid infill and densification, deteriorating physical and mental health statuses, we do not pave our last remaining urban nature spaces.  

Instead, progressive, responsible cities meet their housing needs through infill and densification of existing building lots, and protect large urban greenspaces for shared community and urban wildlife use.  

We have the opportunity to walk the talk, show leadership and create a legacy for generations to come by fully protecting in perpetuity the Kings Community Nature Space.

Please call or email Saanich Council before it’s too late --> Ask that 1.75M CRD sourced funds be applied to finally Save Kings Community Nature Space. 










Friends of Kings Community Nature Space started this petition on Leadnow.ca.

Notice of Annual General Meeting - Wednesday, October 20, 7pm - via Zoom

North Jubilee Neighbourhood Association

Annual General Meeting

October 20, 2021 - 7 pm via Zoom

Invited Guests:

  • Councillor Charlayne Thornton-Joe – North Jubilee Neighbourhood liaison

  • Kimberley Stratford – Staff Neighbourhood Liaison North Jubilee

Meet your neighbours and hear about the following topics:

  • City Council’s proposal to merge North and South Jubilee into one neighbourhood association and single land use committee.

  • City Council’s proposal to rezone single family home areas City-wide to make way for “missing middle” multiplexes - without community consultation.

  • Big changes coming to Richmond Road with recent lot assemblies (Denman to Bay Streets).

  • Big change coming to Richmond Road and Emerson at the CNIB building site (possible 5-storey building containing 70 units with 70 parking stalls).

  • Become involved in NJNA and learn how to participate in future discussions shaping these new proposals and developments and calling for your vision for local community amenities!


Join the Zoom Meeting

We are stronger together

Advocate for North Jubilee neighbourhood interests 

Direct Link to Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 886 9108 9401

Passcode: 691864

If the Direct Link to Zoom Meeting is not working on this website - please copy & paste the url below into your browser




  • Welcome and Introduction to Zoom

  • Introduction of Executive and guests

  • Financial Report

  • Minutes from 2020 Annual General Meeting

  • Councillor Charlayne Thornton-Joe - report and questions

  • Kimberley Stratford, Neighbourhood Liaison - report and questions

  • Land Use Report

  • Spirit Garden Report

  • 2021-2022 NJNA Board elections. Nominations to be accepted (one person per household). Ask for nominations from members. Kimberley Stratford will chair this part of meeting.


NJNA Constitution

  1. To support a vision for the present and future growth of the North Jubilee Neighbourhood by monitoring its physical and social evolution as a family-oriented community not to own, operate or manage a social club.

  2. To create a community forum by offering membership to all those who live, operate a business or own property in the North Jubilee Neighbourhood.


Want to be in the know with what is happening in your neighbourhood?

Write to us at njnacommunity@gmail.com to join our email list

2440 - 2448 Richmond Road - Notice Of Public Hearing

The above development is scheduled for a public hearing at the City Council June 24th meeting. Public input is encouraged.


The City of Victoria is seeking your input on the proposed changes to 2440 & 2448 Richmond Road:

Zoning Regulation Bylaw, Amendment Bylaw (No. 1248) - No. 21-023:

To rezone the land known as 2440 and 2448 Richmond Road from the R1-B, Single Family Dwelling District, to the R-100 Zone, Richmond Road Multiple Dwelling District, to permit a three- storey building on each lot.

New Zone:
Legal description:

Existing Zone:
Development Permit with Variances Application No. 00159

The Council of the City of Victoria will also consider issuing a development permit for the land known as 2440 and 2448 Richmond Road, in Development Permit Area 16: General Form and Character for the purposes of approving the exterior design and finishes for a multi-unit buildings (one per lot), as well as landscaping.

This application will be considered at a public hearing by City Council on:

Date: Thursday, June 24, 2021
Time: 6:30 p.m.
Location: Boardroom, Capital Regional District, 625 Fisgard St. Victoria, BC

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, public access to Council Meetings is not permitted. Meetings may be viewed on the City’s live stream webcast at www.victoria.ca .

All persons who believe their interest in property is affected by the proposed bylaw will be given a reasonable opportunity to be heard. You may indicate your support or opposition to a Public Hearing item in one of the following ways:

1. Submit written comments to Council:

You can provide your submission by email to publichearings@victoria.ca or by mail to Legislative Services, #1 Centennial Square, Victoria, BC V8W 1P6 or drop your submission in the mail slot on the right side of the Pandora Avenue entrance to City Hall. The deadline to

R-100, Richmond Road Multiple Dwelling District

PID: 009-129-073
Lot 47, Section 25, Victoria District, Plan 339

PID: 009-129-120
Lot 46, Section 25, Victoria District, Plan 339

R1-B, Single Family Dwelling District

receive submissions is by 2:00 p.m. the date of the meeting. Written submissions will be published on the agenda at the meeting of Council at which this application will be considered.

  1. Pre-recorded Video

    Pre-recorded video submissions up to 5 minutes in length can be submitted and will be played at the Public Hearing. The video should include:

    • The Public Hearing item

    • Your first and last name

    • Your address

    • Whether you are in support of or opposed to the item

      For further instructions email publichearings@victoria.ca or phone 250.361.0571. The deadline to receive videos submissions is by 2pm the Tuesday before the meeting.

  2. Register to Speak Live

    You can register to speak live via phone for up to 5 minutes. Once registered, you will be provided with a phone number to call to join the live meeting. To register to speak live and to receive further instructions, email publichearings@victoria.ca or phone 250.361.0571. The deadline to register to speak live at the meeting is 2pm the day before the meeting.

If you miss pre-registering, please watch the live meeting as there will be an opportunity for you to call in at the end of the list of registered speakers.

Please note that the opinions you express orally and any presentations you submit will be webcast live and will be recorded to form a part of the public record. Correspondence you submit will form part of the public record and will be published on the agenda when this matter is before Council. The City considers your address relevant to this matter and will disclose this personal information, as it informs Council’s consideration of your opinion in relation to the subject property and is authorized under section 26(c) of FOIPPA Act. Your phone number and email will not be disclosed. For more information on the FOIPPA Act please email foi@victoria.ca.

Relevant documents, the proposed bylaw, and information about this application will be published and available for public inspection on the City of Victoria’s website within the online Council agenda at http://www.victoria.ca/EN/main/city/mayor-council-committees/council-committee- meetings.html the Friday prior to the meeting.

You may also inspect the documents at City Hall by making an appointment by phoning 250.361.0571 or by emailing legislativeservices@victoria.ca.

Copies of relevant documents and information are also available on the City’s Development Tracker online tool at victoria.ca/devtracker from the date of this notice to and including the date of the Council meeting. The Development Tracker will also allow you to see milestones on the proposal, and view related documents and information.

Click here for the PDF of NO. 21-023

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