Notice of Annual General Meeting - Wednesday, October 20, 7pm - via Zoom

North Jubilee Neighbourhood Association

Annual General Meeting

October 20, 2021 - 7 pm via Zoom

Invited Guests:

  • Councillor Charlayne Thornton-Joe – North Jubilee Neighbourhood liaison

  • Kimberley Stratford – Staff Neighbourhood Liaison North Jubilee

Meet your neighbours and hear about the following topics:

  • City Council’s proposal to merge North and South Jubilee into one neighbourhood association and single land use committee.

  • City Council’s proposal to rezone single family home areas City-wide to make way for “missing middle” multiplexes - without community consultation.

  • Big changes coming to Richmond Road with recent lot assemblies (Denman to Bay Streets).

  • Big change coming to Richmond Road and Emerson at the CNIB building site (possible 5-storey building containing 70 units with 70 parking stalls).

  • Become involved in NJNA and learn how to participate in future discussions shaping these new proposals and developments and calling for your vision for local community amenities!


Join the Zoom Meeting

We are stronger together

Advocate for North Jubilee neighbourhood interests 

Direct Link to Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 886 9108 9401

Passcode: 691864

If the Direct Link to Zoom Meeting is not working on this website - please copy & paste the url below into your browser



  • Welcome and Introduction to Zoom

  • Introduction of Executive and guests

  • Financial Report

  • Minutes from 2020 Annual General Meeting

  • Councillor Charlayne Thornton-Joe - report and questions

  • Kimberley Stratford, Neighbourhood Liaison - report and questions

  • Land Use Report

  • Spirit Garden Report

  • 2021-2022 NJNA Board elections. Nominations to be accepted (one person per household). Ask for nominations from members. Kimberley Stratford will chair this part of meeting.


NJNA Constitution

  1. To support a vision for the present and future growth of the North Jubilee Neighbourhood by monitoring its physical and social evolution as a family-oriented community not to own, operate or manage a social club.

  2. To create a community forum by offering membership to all those who live, operate a business or own property in the North Jubilee Neighbourhood.


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