2440 - 2448 Richmond Road - Notice Of Public Hearing

The above development is scheduled for a public hearing at the City Council June 24th meeting. Public input is encouraged.


The City of Victoria is seeking your input on the proposed changes to 2440 & 2448 Richmond Road:

Zoning Regulation Bylaw, Amendment Bylaw (No. 1248) - No. 21-023:

To rezone the land known as 2440 and 2448 Richmond Road from the R1-B, Single Family Dwelling District, to the R-100 Zone, Richmond Road Multiple Dwelling District, to permit a three- storey building on each lot.

New Zone:
Legal description:

Existing Zone:
Development Permit with Variances Application No. 00159

The Council of the City of Victoria will also consider issuing a development permit for the land known as 2440 and 2448 Richmond Road, in Development Permit Area 16: General Form and Character for the purposes of approving the exterior design and finishes for a multi-unit buildings (one per lot), as well as landscaping.

This application will be considered at a public hearing by City Council on:

Date: Thursday, June 24, 2021
Time: 6:30 p.m.
Location: Boardroom, Capital Regional District, 625 Fisgard St. Victoria, BC

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, public access to Council Meetings is not permitted. Meetings may be viewed on the City’s live stream webcast at www.victoria.ca .

All persons who believe their interest in property is affected by the proposed bylaw will be given a reasonable opportunity to be heard. You may indicate your support or opposition to a Public Hearing item in one of the following ways:

1. Submit written comments to Council:

You can provide your submission by email to publichearings@victoria.ca or by mail to Legislative Services, #1 Centennial Square, Victoria, BC V8W 1P6 or drop your submission in the mail slot on the right side of the Pandora Avenue entrance to City Hall. The deadline to

R-100, Richmond Road Multiple Dwelling District

PID: 009-129-073
Lot 47, Section 25, Victoria District, Plan 339

PID: 009-129-120
Lot 46, Section 25, Victoria District, Plan 339

R1-B, Single Family Dwelling District

receive submissions is by 2:00 p.m. the date of the meeting. Written submissions will be published on the agenda at the meeting of Council at which this application will be considered.

  1. Pre-recorded Video

    Pre-recorded video submissions up to 5 minutes in length can be submitted and will be played at the Public Hearing. The video should include:

    • The Public Hearing item

    • Your first and last name

    • Your address

    • Whether you are in support of or opposed to the item

      For further instructions email publichearings@victoria.ca or phone 250.361.0571. The deadline to receive videos submissions is by 2pm the Tuesday before the meeting.

  2. Register to Speak Live

    You can register to speak live via phone for up to 5 minutes. Once registered, you will be provided with a phone number to call to join the live meeting. To register to speak live and to receive further instructions, email publichearings@victoria.ca or phone 250.361.0571. The deadline to register to speak live at the meeting is 2pm the day before the meeting.

If you miss pre-registering, please watch the live meeting as there will be an opportunity for you to call in at the end of the list of registered speakers.

Please note that the opinions you express orally and any presentations you submit will be webcast live and will be recorded to form a part of the public record. Correspondence you submit will form part of the public record and will be published on the agenda when this matter is before Council. The City considers your address relevant to this matter and will disclose this personal information, as it informs Council’s consideration of your opinion in relation to the subject property and is authorized under section 26(c) of FOIPPA Act. Your phone number and email will not be disclosed. For more information on the FOIPPA Act please email foi@victoria.ca.

Relevant documents, the proposed bylaw, and information about this application will be published and available for public inspection on the City of Victoria’s website within the online Council agenda at http://www.victoria.ca/EN/main/city/mayor-council-committees/council-committee- meetings.html the Friday prior to the meeting.

You may also inspect the documents at City Hall by making an appointment by phoning 250.361.0571 or by emailing legislativeservices@victoria.ca.

Copies of relevant documents and information are also available on the City’s Development Tracker online tool at victoria.ca/devtracker from the date of this notice to and including the date of the Council meeting. The Development Tracker will also allow you to see milestones on the proposal, and view related documents and information.

Click here for the PDF of NO. 21-023

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